What many people don’t realize is that you can’t get far in the business environment of the Middle East without having the right connections. You have to know the right people, understand the unique laws, and follow the deeply rooted cultural standards.
In other words, if you want to have a successful brand, you have to read between the “Middle Eastern lines”, so to speak.
Once you have a good start with the right people and the local rules, it becomes easier to work together with local partners towards a “win-win” situation. Too many people who are experts at business in their own regions don’t take this into consideration, and their brand ends up crashing due to a serious lack of preparation.
Doing successful business in another part of the world is not only about the differences in mentalities, background and culture. It goes deeper. Especially in the case of Europe.
Europe is saturated. The business Matrix has been established for a long time. If you want to get in, you have to prove your brand is different, and add true value to the market.
There are so many talented designers and brands, as well as motivated investors from the Middle East. But they don’t know from which door they can enter. With the right direction, those doors can open up to great possibilities.
Some common situations we help companies through are:
- Not knowing the regulations of their new target region
- Not knowing how to calculate the risks or ROI for specific projects
- Not knowing who to contact for profitable sales, marketing, or import channels
- Not having packaging that can work for their business
- Having too many products to enter a new market with, and need to cut back
- Not having a compelling story or unique selling proposition (USP) to make waves in a new market (especially in Europe)
- Lacking an effective packaging and marketing plan
Every business faces challenges when growing. We use a team of trusted experts in every segment of business relations both locally and internationally. Your hand-picked team personally serves as another ear. It guides you to build solutions internally, locally and internationally.
With detailed long-term plans and proven strategies from the greatest minds in business, we take your ideas and hand-craft a plan to make it happen, from A-Z.
We help you maximize your turnover, lower costs, increase margins, and run more efficiently as you enter into a new market.