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Discover U-DATING – the original dating event for conscious people

Discover U-DATING – the original dating event for conscious people

Korayem Razik - The path to becoming a relationship coach

“Korayem Razik “Ray,” is a distinguished coach and expert in Business and personal health development. Through extensive courses and training, Korayem recognized the importance of harmonizing the mind, body, and soul for making sound decisions in work, love, and life.


With over 25 years of international coaching experience and leadership roles, including stints as a Sales Manager and CEO, Korayem’s workshops and coaching sessions are rigorous, emphasizing authentic self-work and relationship dynamics. Founding platforms: U-Grow, U-Retreat, U-Livewell, U-Dating, and U-Dance, he showcases a holistic approach to personal growth and relationship development, seamlessly blending his expertise in business management with his passion for holistic living. Korayem’s journey is as intriguing as it is inspiring.

Today, Korayem stands as a beacon of resilience and mindfulness, guiding others toward holistic well-being and cultural integration through his coaching and consulting firm. His vision extends beyond individual transformation to cultivating a world that is resilient, mindful, conscious, and healthy—a testament to his unwavering commitment to personal and collective growth, which is why he is dedicated to developing all of these U solutions: U-Grow, U-Retreat, U-Livewell, U-Dating, and U-Dance.

Ready to date?

In his younger years, Korayem dated many different types of people, from models and actresses to celebrities and people from all walks of life. In his dating experience, he encountered and embodied all kinds of archetypes — including toxic relationships and personal mistakes, which taught him a lot. He was a “player” and had multiple dates each week, until his life was transformed when he delved into Tantra and true love. Korayem realized that he was operating only with the mind and sexuality, but never with the heart. As he began to understand the heart and soul and learn what healthy masculinity, femininity, and relationships meant, his life changed dramatically.

Through his experiences, inspirations, conversations, and courses, Korayem learned what makes a healthy and happy relationship. With U-Dating, he wants to share this international knowledge and help people overcome stress and anxiety in their relationships, replacing them with courage and confidence. His mission is to enable people to lead fulfilling and loving partnerships, free from stress and fear.

The Journey

Growing up in Egypt, he exhibited intelligence and ambition, he attended the German school in Cairo. After completing his engineering studies, he went beyond his comfort zone to pursued a Master’s degree in Europe, propelled by a scholarship while having only 500 euros in his bank account. Despite initial success, challenges arose as he navigated cultural differences and workplace stress, eventually leading to burnout in Europe at his early twenties. However, rather than succumb to conventional solutions, he embarked on a journey of self-discovery and integration, recognizing the importance of a balanced life and open-heartedness.

Through extensive research, coaching, and personal development, he not only overcame burnout but also became head of sales and a CEO of international companies worldwide. He also honed his expertise in holistic coaching, accumulating over 50 certifications in various aspects of business, personal health growth, and relationship dynamics.

In his diverse community, he promotes events that enhance mental, physical, spiritual, and sexual awareness.

Why Are We Afraid of Love?

Korayem Razik

Here is a text written by Ray, inspired by Osho and David Deida:

We are afraid of love because it involves surrendering to the unknown and uncertain. Love is like a little death. We KNOW there’s an end to it, but we don’t know how. But you know what? That’s not true, because love is energy, and energy doesn’t disappear.

Many men are afraid of women, and many women are afraid of men because we’re afraid of love. Men are afraid of women because they are the object of their love, and women are afraid of men because they are the object of their love.

When trust is present, our ego and fear disappear.

There’s nothing to fear: On the other side, there’s a heart trembling with the same fears as yours.

There’s only one solution: Fear must be replaced with trust.

We will replace fear with trust when we all know what healthy masculinity and femininity mean in relationships. We will replace fear with trust when we all know what toxic masculinity and femininity are.  We will replace fear with trust when we learn what exactly a healthy relationship means. We will replace fear with trust when we are sure that the other polarity shares similar values and can identify with ours.  We will replace fear with trust when we know that our partner can not only think deeply but also love deeply. We will replace fear with trust when we understand that partnership does not mean ownership. We will replace fear with trust when we know that romantic partners are the freest people in the world.

We will replace fear with trust when we help each other become freer.

In his diverse community, he promotes events that enhance mental, physical, spiritual, and sexual awareness.

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